PBPMBFP – Managing Benefits Foundation and Practitioner
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Trained over 60000 delegates

Course delivered by industry expert instructors

Highly competitive pricing
Course Description
Managing Benefits Foundation and Practitioner is a combined training course, which covers both Foundation and Practitioner content. The first part of this course will focus on the Foundation section, which provides delegates with fundamental understanding of Managing Benefits principles, approaches, roles, responsibilities, and procedures. The Managing Benefits guidance that delegates will work with will allow them to acknowledge current programme, project, and portfolio management policies, and will enable them to comprehend benefits management so that the wider organisation goals are considered. Delegates will need to take a Foundation examination at the end of the Foundation teaching section.
The second part of this integrated training course will concentrate on the Practitioner material. The Practitioner segment will confirm whether or not the delegate possesses sufficient knowledge of Managing Benefits to adopt and apply it to real scenarios. Throughout this section of the course, delegates will have to determine solutions to example problems that may arise in the workplace. Roles and responsibilities will also be explored, as in realistic terms, delegates will need to identify what tasks need to be completed by what member of staff, hence the Practitioner course allows them to practice this. Delegates will also need to take a Practitioner exam in order to gain the overall certification.
Managing Benefits Foundation and Practitioner is accredited by APMG (Accrediting Professional Managers Globally).
Target Student
This Managing Benefits Foundation and Practitioner training course is designed for those who wish to administer successful business change, namely Change Managers, Change Management Professionals, Change Leaders, Change Appraisers, Change Initiators, Change Evaluators, Change Implementers, Change Enablers, and Change Support Staff. As well as these, Senior Executives, Benefits Managers, Senior Responsible Owners, Portfolio Managers and Staff would benefit from this training course, as will those involved in Finance, Procurement, Internal and External Auditors, Strategic Planners, and Operational Performance Managers.
There are no prerequisites for this combined training course.
Managing Benefits Foundation Exam
Managing Benefits Foundation delegates must demonstrate their competency by passing an examination to earn Foundation certification. The cost of the exam is included as part of the course fee.
- Closed book
- 40 minute multiple-choice paper
- 50 questions with a pass mark of 50%
- Closed book exam.
Managing Benefits Practitioner Exam
Prospective Managing Benefits Practitioners will need to demonstrate their comprehension and knowledge by passing an examination to gain certification. The cost of the exam is included as part of the course fee.
- Open book: Candidates have access to the Managing Benefits guide
- Objective testing*
- 8 questions, with each question worth 10 marks and a pass mark of 50%
- Lasts 2 hours 30 minutes
*An objective test is a test with right or wrong answers that can be marked objectively. It can be compared with a subjective test, which is evaluated by giving an opinion based on agreed criteria.
Course Content
This Managing Benefits Foundation and Practitioner training course explores the following areas:
Managing Benefits Foundation Section
- Managing Benefits Overview - What is Managing Benefits?
- The Managing Benefits Principles
- The Managing Benefits Cycle
- Identifying and Quantifying Benefits
- Benefits Value and Appraisal
- Benefits Planning
- Benefits Realisation
- Portfolio-Based Benefits
- Implementing Managing Benefits
- Sustaining Benefits
Managing Benefits Practitioner Section
- Applying Managing Benefits Guidance
- Managing and Incorporating Principles of Managing Benefits
- Identifying and Analysing Benefits
- Quantifying Benefits
- Reviewing and Appraising Benefits
- Benefits Preparation
- Current and Future Benefit Realisation
- Portfolio-Based Benefits Management Application
- Maintaining Benefits
- Responding to External Factors
The APMG International Managing Benefits and Swirl Device is a trademark of The APM Group Limited, used under permission of The APM Group Limited. All rights reserved.