ETTELS – Telephone Skills
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Trained over 60000 delegates

Course delivered by industry expert instructors

Highly competitive pricing
Course Description
Millions are lost every year by poor handling of telephone enquiries. Customers who are well handled will call again and bring more business. Most poor technique is not through indifference, rather a failure to see things from the customer's perspective. As such, it is relatively easy to bring about substantial improvements by the application of the techniques taught on this telephone skills training course.
Delivery Method
Instructor led, group-paced, classroom-delivery learning model with structured hands-on activities.
Performance-Based Objectives
After this telephone skills training course, delegates will be able to:
- Identify the advantages and disadvantages of using the telephone
- Create a positive impression with clients and customers
- Develop relevant skills in communicating technical information efficiently and effectively over the telephone
- Develop listening skills to help them understand what the customer is saying
- Understand what the customer really thinks and measure their satisfaction
- Use voice control to maximise effectiveness
- Deal with enquiries, complaints and take messages quickly and effectively
- Deal with customer dissatisfaction
Course Content
The People First Approach:
- What Influences Customers
- Understanding the Needs of Customers
Communicating by Telephone:
- The Golden Rules
- It's Not Just What You Say
Learning to Listen:
- Tips for Self Development
The Vital Importance of First Impressions:
- Preparing and Organising
- Using Your Voice Well
Telephone Techniques:
- Answering the Incoming Call
- Some Do's and Dont's
- How to Sound Confident, Caring and Helpful
- The Use of Checklists
- Re-routing Calls
- The Outgoing Call
- Practical Exercises and Role Play
Handling Awkward Callers:
- Complaints
- Building Relations
- Dealing with the Difficult Call
- Understanding Customer Moods and Attitudes
Sales Techniques:
- Key steps in selling
- Qualification
- Understanding the customer
- Assessing the customer need
- Questioning techniques
- Listening Skills
- Matching the customer need
- Closing the sale