ETSSRAS – Recruitment and Selection
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Course Description
Recruitment is one of the most important tasks a manager has to carry out because of the potential impact it can have on a team. It is not just about getting recruitment right but getting it right first time. This workshop is designed for those who are new to this process, or those who require a refresher. This will provide the skills and knowledge that are required for recruitment to be carried out effectively.
Target Student
This workshop is necessary for any colleague who, in the course of their work will be required to lead or participate in the recruitment and selection process.
Delivery Method
Instructor led, group paced.
Performance-Based Objectives
By the end of today, delegates will be able to:
- Plan and conduct an effective interview, avoiding unlawful discrimination
- Plan and prepare behavioural questions
- Give constructive feedback in the context of the selection process
- Complete documentation associated with the recruitment and selection process
Course Content
Recruitment in context
An introductory session to determine the importance of the recruitment process and nature and extent of the recruitment you are likely to be involved with.
What does an effective interview achieve?
Obviously it will get you the right person for the job. There are a number of other aspects that you should consider, including the candidates expectations and this exercise will help you to identify these.
Selection Legislation
A brief outline of the different aspects of legislation that you need to consider. This session will highlight the minefield of discrimination, questions to avoid and how you remain within the confines of the law in the recruitment process.
The Recruitment Process
Who does what and what needs to happen? This will give you an introduction to the relevant documentation and how to follow the process. Including references, how many people should you interview, how long should an interview last for and how many people should be on the panel.
The leeting process
A practical exercise that will enable you to distinguish the chaff from the wheat.
Questions, questions, questions
How do you do yours? Behavioural interviewing techniques in line with current best practice where you will have the opportunity to draft questions that can be used with any job description.
Organising yourself
Some in-depth discussions around your room layout, how to welcome the candidate and make that all-important good impression.
Putting it all together
Here you will have the chance to participate in a panel, carrying out some mock interviews (this is optional depending on the level of experience of participants and the needs of the client).
Giving feedback
Who gives feedback after the interview and how do you go about it?
Action Planning
Is there anything else you need to do or get that will help you to carry out your first live interview effectively?