ICWP – Implementing Change in the Workplace
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Trained over 60000 delegates

Course delivered by industry expert instructors

Highly competitive pricing
Course Description
Change is the one constant, whether we want it to be or not, in every area of our life not only work.
Thanks to significant advances in technologies and social networks, change is not only more frequent but it happens quicker than ever.
With an ever-changing landscape in the world and economies, in every industry public or private, all businesses have no choice but to flex to survive.
But what does this mean for us who have been tasked with delivering the changes through either a project or within our own business areas?
Without the right type of management change can be counter productive on many levels creating stress and impacting business output. All of which is detrimental to companies overall performance.
The Implementing Change in the Workplace course is a 1-day event during which attendees will learn essential change management skills. This will help them manage their teams through times of uncertainty ensuring a more positive result for all. There are a few hard hitting messages regarding how a manager's behaviour impacts their team and why they are more often than not the critical factor in the success (or failure) of change. There is a balanced mix of learning styles utilised in the course ensuring all attendees have the opportunity to learn in a way they find easiest and most enjoyable.
The course is designed to minimise the disruption seen in companies during period of change and the negative impact this can have on employees.
Target Student
The course is aimed at project, departmental and team managers.
Completed Coping with Change 1-day course.
Performance Based Objectives
- Understand the information which is needed to enable effective change implementation
- Essential communication skills
- The impact of own behaviour on others
- Ability to support individuals within a team through change
- Minimise disruption during change
Course Content
Understanding the why first
- What is the vision for the future
- What is the strategy which supports the vision
- Establish the positives for the team
- Regular meetings with senior management
- Different types of communication within team
- Keep to the facts
Impact of behaviour on team
- The importance of authenticity
- What is the managers role when implementing change
- How to put these learnings into action
Supporting the team
- Explore different personality types within teams
- Strategies for each type
- Spotting warning signs
- Develop own team coping strategy plan