HS003 – Risk Assessment
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Trained over 60000 delegates

Course delivered by industry expert instructors

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Course Description
As a matter of law every business, having more than 5 persons employed, requires to complete a written risk assessment for every area of its operations. In practice, more often than not, such assessments must be reduced to writing by every business. Having completed the assessment its significant findings must be intimated to employees. All too often businesses do not comply, or do not comply fully, with this requirement. It need not be a massive chore.
Target Student
Owners/managers who have a responsibility for staff management.
Performance-Based Objectives
By the end of this programme, each delegate will be able to:
- Understand the 5 steps to complete a risk assessment
- Describe some of the commonly occurring hazards in the work place
- Prepare a risk assessment for their business
- Describe how to complete a COSHH assessment
- Prepare a COSHH assessment for their business
- Understand how best to intimate assessment findings to staff
- Understand how to integrate the assessments into an overall Health and Safety Policy