HS001 – An Introduction to Health and Safety at Work
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Trained over 60000 delegates

Course delivered by industry expert instructors

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Course Description
Health and Safety at Work is, or should be, one of the areas of highest priority for the manager of any business, large or small. All too often it is considered to be a matter of great complexity and very time consuming. Failure to properly address Health and Safety issues exposes the business and its management team to the risk of prosecution and can be life threatening for all those employed.
Target Student
Owner/Managers in small to medium sized businesses who have a responsibility for Health and Safety and who wish to ensure compliance with current regulation.
Performance-Based Objectives
By the end of this programme, each delegate will be able to:
- Answer the six key Health and Safety questions
- Describe the main elements of a Health and Safety Policy.
- Produce a written Health and Safety Policy document.
- List the recommended contents of the first aid box
- Describe the requirements of RIDDOR
- Describe some of the commonly occurring hazards in the work place.
- Prepare a risk assessment for their business
- Prepare a COSHH Assessment for their business.
Course Content
- Introduction
- The 6 key questions
- Health & Safety Policy
- First aid box
- The 5 steps to risk assessment
- Some commonly occurring risks
- A Risk assessment for your business