ETLSMAN – Lean Sigma – Manager
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Trained over 60000 delegates

Course delivered by industry expert instructors

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Course Description
Lean Sigma is deployed in many industries to drive significant improvements within organisations; this is the combination of two different approaches Lean and Six Sigma. In recent years they have been combined to produce a dynamic approach which can be applied practically in any company. Both methodologies were originally developed in the manufacturing industry, and combined they offer an approach which is practical and delivers powerful business results. The transition to other industries has been a success and it is arguable that the benefits have been more significant.
The Lean Sigma Managers course is an action packed 3 days during which attendees will learn essential change and management techniques then get the opportunity to apply their new skills in a practical way.
Target Student
The course is designed for those who work in a full time management role, from team manager to head of.
To get the most out of the course you should work for a company which endorses continuous improvement and a manager which will support you in delivering changes which will benefit your team and the organisation.
Delivery Method
The training centres on a simulation of a very badly run process, you get to experience the chaos the people in the teams feel as well as the poor results. You then learn the skills to improve the process using Lean Sigma techniques as well as some of the softer skills needed. You will lead the improvements and then learn how to keep driving continuous improvement by having the right data, visibility and transparency in your team.
Performance-Based Objectives
- Create a continuous improvement environment
- Build a strong team
- Make decisions based on data
- Focus on the biggest problem
- Be more proactive
- Improve facilitation in different environments
- Process Map
- Identify opportunity to remove waste from processes
- Use data to measure performance & identify hotspots
- Increased understanding of managing different types of Stakeholders
- Implement sustainable improvements
- Understand the DMAIC approach (DMAIC is the approach used by Black Belts to deliver projects)
- Have awareness of the impact of change on people
- Have increased self awareness
- Deliver ongoing improvements in their team
Course Content
Day 1
- Lean Sigma awareness
- Lean Sigma Management model walk through
- 1st simulation exercise
- Building an improvement team
- Stakeholder Management
- Voice of the Customer
- Defining a business problem
- Creating an end to end view of process
- Process Mapping
- Data Collection
- Stream lining processes
- Quick Wins how to identify, importance of them & how to implement
Day 2
- 2nd simulation exercise implement quick wins & collate data
- Identifying and understanding trends
- Common and special cause variation
- Using data to understand customer experience
- Focusing on the issues which are causing the most pain
- Cause & Effect analysis
- Idea generation
- Evaluating ideas
- Design strong processes
- Solution implementation
- 3rd simulation exercise deliver improvements
- Controlling the process on an ongoing basis
Day 3
- Difference between reactive and proactive management
- Creating a continuous improvement environment
- Communication
- Management information
- Sample data
- Visual management
- Dashboards
- Asking the right questions
- Team meetings
- Structure
- Content
- Outcomes
- Team awareness
- Strengths
- Motivators
- Leading change summary