ETEODIA – Equal Opportunities and Diversity Awareness at Work
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Trained over 60000 delegates

Course delivered by industry expert instructors

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Course Description
The promotion of Equal Opportunities and the avoidance of discriminatory practices within the work place is of critical importance to everyone in business today. New and evolving laws, and the changing composition of the labour market has led to significant increases in those areas in which any form of discrimination is unlawful. Managers and workers must be aware of the benefits, and of the legal requirements, of promoting Equal Opportunities for all in the work place, and the dangers of failing to do so.
Target Student
Persons who employ others, everyone in employment and those seeking to become employed in the future.
Delivery Method
Instructor led, group-paced, classroom-delivery learning model with structured hands-on activities.
Performance-Based Objectives
By the end of this programme, each delegate will be able to:
- Describe the benefits of promoting Equal Opportunities in the work place
- Describe the requirements of Asylum and Immigration legislation when recruiting staff.
- Understand the nature and extent of the rules prohibiting discrimination. Particularly in relation to sex, race or disability.
- Understand how to avoid harassment and discrimination at work
- Identify areas where indirect discrimination might occur.
- Describe what sort of reasonable adjustment might be required to allow a disabled employee to return to work
- Describe the requirements and benefits of an Equal Opportunities Policy
- Draft an Equal Opportunities Policy for their business
Course Content
- Why promote Equal Opportunities at work? The benefits and the costs.
- Equal Opportunities for the employee.
- Equal Opportunities and the customer.
- Equal Opportunities in recruitment, promotion and discipline.
- The Nature of Discrimination. What amounts to discriminatory conduct.
- The Equal Opportunities Policy.
- How to avoid discrimination and harassment at work. The responsibilities of the manager and the worker.
- The Nature of Discrimination
- Dress codes
- Political Correctness
- Avoiding Stereotypes
- Assertive not Offensive
- Use Active Listening to Diffuse a Situation
- Race Discrimination
- Sex Discrimination
- Disability Discrimination
- Sexual Orientation
- Religion and Belief
- Age Discrimination
- Summary