ETAGLEINT – Introduction to Agile Project Management
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Trained over 60000 delegates

Course delivered by industry expert instructors

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Course Description
By the end of the day delegates will have a clear understanding of what is involved in the successful delivery of an Agile project. They will be able to explain what each of the key aspects of Agile project management is and why they are important within the context of successful project delivery.
During each of these sessions delegates will be provided with guidance to apply the key concepts and tools to support the delivery of their projects effectively.
The course is supported by group and individual activities and exercises.
Performance Based Objectives
By the end of the day delegates will be able to explain:
- The principles of Agile
- The benefits of applying an Agile approach to projects
- The key elements of several Agile approaches
- Agile roles and responsibilities
- Prioritisation of requirements on an Agile project
- Managing risk on an Agile project
Course Content
What is Agile?
- History of Agile
- Agile Manifesto
- Agile methodology
- Agile approaches
Differences from Waterfall/traditional approach
- Waterfall vs Agile
- Project variables
- Benefits of Agile
- Agile Principles
- 5 key behaviours
- Agile roles
- Agile roles vs traditional Project management roles
What is Scrum?
- Scrum Roles - overview
- Sprints
- Daily Scrum
- Burn up and Burn down charts
- Sprint Review
- Sprint Retrospective
- Artefacts needed
- Taking user stories to tasks
Agile - Defining Requirements
- Levels of requirements
- Epics
- User stories
MoSCoW Prioritisation
- MoSCoW Relating to a Specific Timeframe
- Making MoSCoW Work
Kanban overview
- Kanban 6 core practices
- What should be on a Kanban board?
- Kanban-type software
Lean Start-up overview
- Core concepts
DSDM overview
- Philosophy
- The 8 DSDM Principles
- Principles – Agile PM Top Tips
- The DSDM Process
- Pre-Project
- Feasibility
- Foundations
- Evolutionary Development
- Timeboxes
- Deployment
- Post-Project
DSDM Roles and Responsibilities
DSDM Planning and Control
- Products
- Managing Risk
Risk – Agile PM Top Tips
Extreme Programming (XP)
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