ACADINT – AutoCAD Intermediate Training
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Trained over 60000 delegates

Course delivered by industry expert instructors

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Course Description
Building on the basics, this course teaches further 2D drawing skills and AutoCAD features and commands including:
- Setup and configuration of AutoCAD
- Advanced use of layers
- Dimenioning strategy and principles
- Scaling issues with text and dimension
Delegates learn how to use AutoCAD's more advanced features and commands, becoming more productive in its use.
Target Student
Users who have either attended AutoCAD Essentials Training or who have a basic understanding of AutoCAD through other means.
Delegates should be familiar with the fundamentals of AutoCAD, i.e. have attended AutoCAD Essentials training or have equivalent knowledge.
Course Content
Set up and configuration of AutoCAD
Advanced use of day to day functions people are unaware of - make serious productivity gains
The short trip into 3D - it's amazingly simple
Advanced use of layers, filters and groups
Advanced use of text, masks, fields and tables
Dimensioning strategy and principles
Setting up dimension styles and sub styles
Tolerancing and geometric tolerancing
Tricks and tips, wipeouts, Rev Clouds
Drawing creation - all methods covered
Advanced use of layouts and model space - layer visibility, etc
Scaling issues with text and dimensions - annotative vs. paper space, all methods explained in detail, pro's and con's
Plotting - page setups, CTB files and batch plotting of multi-sheet PDF files
Blocks - creation of and how to use them properly
Building symbol libraries - never draw something twice!
Use of the design centre and tool palettes
Creating and editing attributes
Dynamic blocks
Xrefs explained - how, when an why use them
Data extraction into tables
Customisation - shortcut keys, custom icons, custom palettes.