- Duration
- Days 2
- From
- £500.00 +VAT
Java Programming
DJUIUS – Developing Java User Interfaces using Swing
Course Description This training course covers the core components of the Java Programming Language, and enables developers to build user interfaces using the Swing API. The training course is designed to teach programmers of other languages the skills needed…- Duration
- Days 5
- From
- £1,500 +VAT
JAVAAP – Advanced Java Programming
Course Description This advanced training course is for experienced Java developers who need to go into more depth into the core features of the language that are not typically covered on basic Java programming courses. The course details subjects…- Duration
- Days 3
- From
- £1,200 +VAT
JAVXMLAPP – Using the Java Programming Language to Build Effective XML Applications
Course Description This training course focuses on how XML based software can be built using the Java programming language. The training course covers the JAXP API, including the DOM and SAX APIs, processing XML using XSLT, and Data Binding…- Duration
- Days 3
- From
- £750.00 +VAT
JAVPBSD – Pattern-Based Software Development in Java – Hands-on Introduction to Patterns with Models and Code
Course Description The essence and basic structure of a software design solution may be repeated many times, even though the realisation is different in each case. Patterns offer a technique for capturing such recurrence, allowing design experience to be…- Duration
- Days 4
- From
- £1,000 +VAT
BDJ2EEA – Building and Deploying J2EE Applications using BEA Weblogic Server
Course Description BEA Weblogic is well-established as a serious application server for developing distributed, scalable J2EE enterprise applications. This training course demonstrates how to build applications for the WebLogic platform, and then to deploy those applications on the Weblogic…- Duration
- Days 5
- From
- £1,500 +VAT
JAVHOA – Total Development Workshop in Java – Hands-on Agile Development from Requirements to Code
Course Description Current trends in development processes emphasise agility and responsive design over bureaucracy and big up-front design. At a high-level the (Rational) Unified Process (RUP) provides a suitable approach for agile development when taken together with a number…- Duration
- Days 4
- From
- £1,000 +VAT
JAVEEOV – Overview of the Java EE Platform
Course Description Java EE (formerly J2EE) is now a well-established platform of choice for deploying distributed, scalable enterprise applications. This training course provides an overview of the technologies commonly used with this platform, and how they can be applied…- Duration
- Days 250
- From
- £1.00 +VAT
JAVTDDA – Test-Driven Development in Java – Unit Testing and Refactoring for Agile Software Development
Course Description The Test-Driven Development in Java course presents a number of modern practices for developing code based on an iterative and incremental development lifecycle. Agility and predictability are two qualities often missing from software development. A test-driven approach,…- Duration
- Days 2
- From
- £500.00 +VAT
SPFRA – The Spring Framework
Course Description This course enables the experienced Java developer to use the Spring Application Framework to create simple and complex Web applications. Spring is a far-reaching framework that aims to facilitate all sorts of Java development, including every level…- Duration
- Days 3
- From
- £750.00 +VAT
J2EEP – J2EE Patterns
Course Description A Pattern-Based Approach to Effective Java EE Application Design. There is a lot of technology in the Java 2 Enterprise Edition (Java EE) platform. To successfully design applications for the Java EE platform requires a good understanding…- Duration
- Days 3
- From
- £750.00 +VAT
TESWA – Testing Web Applications
Course Description The testing of Web applications is a critical discipline, and this course aims to take the student through the testing of all aspects of a Web application, including the front end and its performance and appearance in…- Duration
- Days 2
- From
- £500.00 +VAT
JPINTRO – Introduction to Java Programming
Course Description This two day training course focuses on introducing Java as an implementation language for object-oriented applications. It is therefore assumed that you are either currently working on such a project, will be joining such a project or…- Duration
- Days 2
- From
- £995.00 +VAT
JAVWP – Wireless Programming Using J2ME and MIDP
Course Description This four-day training course introduces experienced Java programmers to the Java 2 Micro Edition, or J2ME, and develops skills in Java programming for wireless devices via the Mobile Information Device Profile, or MIDP. (The MIDP is the…- Duration
- Days 4
- From
- £1,000 +VAT
JAVPS – Java Persistence Strategies
Course Description Persistence is for many one of the most confusing areas of Java and Java EE application development. There are so many options available to the developer, that it is often difficult to ascertain whether correct choices are…- Duration
- Days 2
- From
- £500.00 +VAT
JA7PD – Java 7 Programming for Developers
Course Description This training course covers the core components of the Java 7 Programming Language. The training course is designed to teach programmers of other languages the skills needed to learn how to write robust, industry standard, platform independent…- Duration
- Days 4
- From
- £1,000 +VAT
BDJEEA – Building and Deploying Java EE Applications using JBoss, Hibernate/JPA, Struts/JSF, and Spring
Course Description This training course demonstrates how to build Java EE 1.5 applications for both the Tomcat Web container and the JBoss 5 application server using open source tools such as Ant, and then to then test and deploy…- Duration
- Days 4
- From
- £1,200 +VAT
DJWA – Developing Java Web Applications
Course Description This training course teaches you how to create Web interfaces using JavaServer Pages technology. It covers the very latest technologies that are now available to the Java Web application developer, including the JSP Standard Tag Library, Struts,…- Duration
- Days 4
- From
- £1,000 +VAT
BDEJB3 – Building and Deploying Enteprise JavaBeans 3.0 using Hibernate and JBoss
Course Description The EJB3 specification greatly simplifies the EJB implementation process, and this course teaches how to implement EJBs through the use of the Java Persistence API (JPA) and annotations. It uses Hibernate as the implementation of the JPA,…- Duration
- Days 3
- From
- £900.00 +VAT