DJUIUS – Developing Java User Interfaces using Swing

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  • Code: DJUIUS
  • Duration: Days 5
  • Price per delegate: £1,500 +VAT

Trained over 60000 delegates

Course delivered by industry expert instructors

Highly competitive pricing


Course Description

This training course covers the core components of the Java Programming Language, and enables developers to build user interfaces using the Swing API. The training course is designed to teach programmers of other languages the skills needed to learn how to write robust, platform independent Java applications leveraging the power and flexibility of the Java 2 platform.
 Target Student:
This training course is for developers who need to be able to develop applications using the Java programming language.
  • The training course assumes that delegates are already programmers. They will already understand the need for flow control, variables, operators and functions, and indeed have used them in other language contexts.
  • It assumes no knowledge of the object-oriented paradigm as object oriented theory is also covered in the content of the training course.
Delivery Method: Instructor led, group-paced, classroom-delivery learning model with structured hands-on activities.
The training course combines lectures with practical exercises that help the delegates to put what they have learned on the training course into practice. The exercises specifically build on what has been recently taught and are built up as the training course progresses.
Performance-Based Objectives
At the end of this training course, students should be able to:
  • Understand the Java runtime environment and the role of the virtual machine
  • Identify and use the Java primitive datatypes
  • Use the Java flow control constructs
  • Understand the difference between classes and objects
  • Implement instance data, methods, constructors, and method overloading
  • Understand and implement the concept of inheritance
  • Define the role of an interface, and be able to create and use one
  • Create a Java applet
  • Understand the concept of static data and methods
  • Understand the concept of polymorphism and be able to take advantage of it using Java
  • Be able to implement the Java Collections API
  • Build a Java user interface using the Swing APIs
  • Implement the Java event handling model
  • Build error handling blocks into applications
  • Understand how to work with Databases from Java
  • Understand how FileIO and Networking is implemented using Java
  • Implement inner classes using Java and identify where they can be used
 Course Content
Introduction to Java
  • What is Java?
  • The Java Virtual Machine
  • The Java Runtime
2. Java ? the basics
  • Variable types in Java
  • Java syntax
  • Java operators
3. Looping and Branching
  • If / Else constructs
  • While and For loops
4. Introduction to Object Orientation
  • Classes and objects
  • Definition of Encapsulation
  • Definition of Inheritance
  • Definition of Polymorphism
5. Introduction to Objects in Java
  • Defining variables and methods in classes
  • Object references
  • The null reference
  • Garbage collection
6. More on Java classes
  • Constructors
  • Static variables and methods
  • Method overloading
7. Packaging Java Classes
  • Using import
  • Defining packages
  • Using the classpath
  • Compiler flags
8. Inheritance and Abstraction in Java
  • Inheritance in Java
  • Abstract classes and methods
  • Method overriding
  • Polymorphism and inheritance
9. Applet Programming
  • What are Java applets
  • The lifecycle of a Java applet
  • Writing a basic applet
  • Embedding applets on pages
10. Interfaces
  • The theory of interfaces
  • Defining and using interfaces
11. The Collections API
  • Working with Lists
  • Working with Sets
  • Working with Maps
  • Working with Iterators
  • The Comparator and Comparable interfaces
12. Swing Graphical User Interfaces
  • Java AWT Components
  • Java Swing Components
  • Adding components to containers
  • Layout managers for components
  • Applying multiple layout managers
13. Event Handling
  • Java Event model
  • Defining listeners for events
  • Registering listeners for events
  • Event Handler Interfaces
14. Inner Classes
  • The four types of inner classes
  • Creating inner classes
  • Using inner classes
15. Window Programming
  • Creating windows in Java
  • Creating dialog boxes in Java
  • Event handling in window applications
  • Creating event driven menus
16. Error Handling in Java
  • Exception handling in Java
  • The Error and Exception classes
  • Defining custom exception classes
17. Working with Databases
  • JDBC Architecture
  • Choosing a Driver
  • Working with Connections
  • Working with Statements, PreparedStatements, and CallableStatements
  • Processing a ResultSet
18. File IO and Networking
  • Introduction to file IO
  • File IO classes in JavaHow to create additional threads in Java
  • Creating Java Sockets
  • Utilising Java sockets
19. Multithreading in Java
  • What is multithreading
  • How to create additional threads in Java
  • Issues associated with multithreading