JAVWP – Wireless Programming Using J2ME and MIDP
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Course Description
- Understand the Java 2 Micro Edition architecture, and the stacking of virtual machine, configuration, and profile to address different types of "micro" devices.
- Understand the limitations of mobile devices and see how they drive the design of the Connected, Limited Device Configuration, and the supporting "K" Virtual Machine.
- Identify the key differences between the JVM and the KVM, including build process and code security implementations.
- Understand the design and mission of the Mobile Information Device Profile, and see how programming for mobile devices is fundamentally different from J2SE programming.
- Code cleanly to the CLDC using the KVM.
- Build a simple, functioning MIDlet.
- Understand the framework for packaging and deploying MIDlets to devices.
- Build user interfaces for mobile devices, including text presentation, input controls, 2D graphics, and multi-screen navigation.
- Handle pointer and keypad input in a MIDlet.
- Implement menus and commands.
- Save and re-load information from one MIDlet run to the next using the MIDP Record Management System.
- Make network connections from the mobile device.
- Retrieve remote information via HTTP, including dynamic information based on user requests.
- Use multiple threads and MIDP timers effectively.
- Write memory-conservative code for various tasks, and understand the implications of various techniques on heap usage.
- Understand the use of J2ME and J2EE components to compose a seamless networked application.
The J2ME Architecture
2. The Connected, Limited Device Configuration
3. The Mobile Information Device Profile
4. The High-Level User-Interface API
5. The Low-Level User-Interface API
6. Event Handling
7. The Record Management System
8. Networking
9. Threads and Timers
10. Memory Management
11. Best Practices
12. Mobile Devices in Distributed Systems