WS6NDEA – WebSphere Application Server 6.1 (Network Deployment Edition) Administration

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  • Code: WS6NDEA
  • Duration: Days 5
  • Price per delegate: £1,595 +VAT

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Course Description

This course teaches the basics of the administration and deployment of web applications in the IBM WebSphere Application Server v6.1 Network Deployment environment.


  • Enterprise (J2EE) Applications
  • Installing and Configuring WebSphere Application Server
  • Installing Enterprise Applications
  • IBM HTTP Server Installation and Configuration
  • WebSphere Application Server Architecture
  • Application Tracing and Troubleshooting
  • Data Source Configuration and Management
  • Security Management
  • Java Messaging Service (JMS) Management
  • Performance Monitoring and Tuning with Tivoli Performance Analyzer
  • Scripting of Administrative Activities
  • Clustered Workload Management

Target Student:
This course is designed for Webmasters and System Administrators who need to install, configure and maintain systems using WebSphere Application Server v6.1 Network Deployment Edition.


The student should have a good understanding of Web technology, Java, and operational skills for Windows. Administration skills for a web server like Apache or IBM HTTP Server would also be beneficial although not required 

Delivery Method:

Instructor led, group-paced, classroom-delivery learning model with structured hands-on activities.

Performance-Based Objectives:

After completing this course, the student should be able to:

  • Install and configure WebSphere Application Server
  • Install, configure and manage enterprise applications
  • Configure web server integration
  • Assemble enterprise modules into applications
  • Use new Rapid Deployment features of WebSphere Application Server
  • Use various troubleshooting tools and techniques to diagnose problems
  • Configure database connections
  • Configure runtime security
  • Install and configure messaging applications
  • Analyze and tune the performance of enterprise applications
  • Perform basic administrative tasks using scripting
  • Configure a cluster of WebSphere Application Servers

Course Content

0. Course Introduction 
Course Description
Course Prerequisites
Course Objectives
Agenda Day 1
Agenda Day 2
Agenda Day 3
Agenda Day 4
Agenda Day 5

1. J2EE and WebSphere Overview
Goals of Enterprise Applications
What is Java?
What is J2EE?
The J2EE Specifications
Role of Application Server
What is a Servlet?
Servlet Execution
What is a JSP?
JSP Code Sample
What is an EJB?
EJB Types
EJB Examples
Model-View-Controller Architecture
MVC An Example
WebSphere Platform
Base Edition
Other WAS Editions
Other Products
J2EE and WebSphere Overview Questions
J2EE and WebSphere Overview Answers

2. Application Server Installation
General Requirements
Pre-Install Tasks
WebSphere Profiles
Creating Profiles
Benefits of Profiles
WebSphere Installation
GUI Install - Launchpad
Checking for Prerequisites
Multiple Installations In a Single Machine
Installing Sample Applications
Product File Installation
Specifying Security
Installation Summary
Installation Results
First Steps
Silent Install
Installation Factory
Product Files Directories
Profile Directories
Config Directory
Important Configuration Files
Starting and Stopping the Server
Application Server Installation Questions
Application Server Installation Answers
Lab Summary
Common Lab Errors

3. Administration Console and Application Deployment
Single Server Admin Structure
Administration Clients
Logging In
Console Overview
Navigation Tree
Workspace Area
Help Area
Save Configuration
Save Conflicts
Common Configuration
Application Installation
Installation Steps
Finishing Up
Start Application
Applications on File System
Admin Console & Application Deployment Questions
Admin Console & Application Deployment Answers
Lab Summary
Common Lab Errors

4. J2EE Architecture and Services
J2EE Components
Web Browser
Application Client
J2EE Vendor Specifications
J2EE Blueprint
Data Sources
Java Naming and Directory Interface
Java Message Service
J2EE Connector Architecture
Java Transaction API
Lifecycle Management
WebSphere Architecture
J2EE Architecture & Services Questions
J2EE Architecture & Services Answers

5. Web Server and Web Server Plug in
Web Server Integration
Benefit of a Web Server
IBM HTTP Server Installation
IBM HTTP Server Services
Plug-in Installation Scenarios
Web Server Plug-in
Web Server Plug-in Installation
Web Server Plug-in Installation Separate Install
Web Servers in WebSphere
Mapping Applications to Web Servers
Defining Web Servers
Plug-in Configuration
Plug-in Syntax
Virtual Host
hosts File
Virtual Hosts in WebSphere
Relation to Enterprise Applications
Web Server & Web Server Plug-in Questions
Web Server & Web Server Plug-in Answers
Lab Summary
Common Lab Errors

6. J2EE Application Structure & Assembly
J2EE Application Structure
EAR File
What are Modules?
J2EE Deployment Descriptors
Web Module
EJB Module
Client Module
IBM Extensions
Application Server Toolkit
AST Workspace and Projects
General Application Structure
Assembling an Application
Deployment Descriptor Editors
Perspectives and Views
AST Tips
J2EE Application Structure & Assembly Questions
J2EE Application Structure & Assembly Answers
Lab Summary
Common Lab Errors

7. Enhanced Deployment 
Enhanced Deployment
Enhanced EAR
Definitions in Enhanced EAR
Configuring an Enhanced EAR
Application Scope
Using Enhanced EARs
WebSphere Rapid Deployment
Deployment Automation
Rapid Deployment Architecture
Configure a Project Folder
Monitor the Workspace
Using Rapid Deployment
Fine Grained Updates
Updating or Adding Single Modules or Files
Updating or Adding Multiple Modules or Files
Removing Files
Using Fine Grained Updates
Enhanced Deployment Questions
Enhanced Deployment Answers
Reference: Annotation Based Programming
Lab Summary
Common Lab Errors

8. Troubleshooting
Problem Determination
Error Reporting
Networking Problems and Solutions
HTTP Request Problems
HTTP Request Solutions
Other Solutions
Tools for Resolving WebSphere Problems
Admin Console Messages
Configuration Problems
Runtime Messages
Message Details
Important Log Files
Configuring JVM Log Files
Viewing Logs
Event Types
Log Detail Levels
Configuring Tracing
Log File Format
Reading Java Exceptions
Common Exceptions
Server Does Not Start
Importing Log Files Into AST
Log View of AST
dumpNameSpace Tool
IBM Tools
Troubleshooting Questions
Troubleshooting Answers
Lab Summary
Common Lab Errors

9. JNDI and Naming Services
Naming Service
Phone Number Example
Objects in Name Space
What is JNDI?
Using JNDI
JNDI References
Defining References
Mapping JNDI References
Take Control of the Name Space!
JNDI and Naming Services Questions
JNDI and Naming Services Answers
Lab Summary
Common Lab Errors  

10. JDBC and Data Sources
What is JDBC?
JDBC Driver
Typical JDBC Use
Problems to Address
JDBC Data Sources
Data Source Architecture
Typical Use of Data Source
Configuring JDBC in WebSphere
Creating JDBC Provider
Using WebSphere Variables
Creating Data Source
Connection Pools
Data Source Configuration Errors
Data Sources and CMP EJBs
JDBC & Data Sources Questions
JDBC & Data Sources Answers

11. Introduction to OnlineStore Application

OnlineStore Functions
Application Homepage
New Customer Registration
Browse Products
View Cart / Complete Purchase
Error Notification
Find Purchases
Similarity to "Real World" Applications
OnlineStore Application Structure
OnlineStoreWeb.war Structure
OnlineStoreEJB.jar Structure
Links Between Modules
Lab Summary
Common Lab Errors

12. WebSphere Security
Security Overview
Architecture Components
Security Components
Digital Certificates
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)
SSL in WebSphere
Java Security
J2EE Security
Authentication and Authorization
User Registry
Federated Repositories
Authentication Mechanism
Security Configuration
User Registry Configuration
Single Signon (SSO)
Configuring LTPA
Admin Console Roles
Stopping Secure Servers
WebSphere Security Questions
WebSphere Security Answers
Lab Summary
Common Lab Errors

13. J2EE Security
Challenge Mechanism
J2EE Roles
Sample Role Mapping
Mapping Roles to Users/Groups
Look Up Users/Groups
Special Roles
Unprotected Methods
Defining Roles
Resource Mappings Web Module
Resource Mappings EJB Module
"Unchecked" Method Permissions
Run-As Delegation
Configuring Run-As Delegation
J2EE Security Questions
J2EE Security Answers
Lab Summary
Common Lab Errors

14. JMS Overview and WebSphere MQ Configuration
Messaging Introduction
Messaging Example
Messaging Components
Messaging Types
JMS (Java Messaging Service)
Message Driven Beans (MDB)
MDB as Message Consumer
JMS Resources
Messaging in WebSphere
Default Messaging
WebSphere MQ
Which To Use?
WebSphere MQ JMS Configuration
WebSphere MQ JMS Provider
Connection Factory
Listener Port
Relationship Between Messaging Components
JMS Messaging Configuration Questions
JMS Messaging Configuration Answers
Lab Summary
Common Lab Errors

15. Default Messaging JMS Configuration

Service Integration Bus
Bus Members
Messaging Engine
Message Store
Message Points
Default Messaging JMS Configuration
Creating a Service Integration Bus
Adding a Bus Member
Bus Member Message Store
Add a Destination
Default Messaging JMS Provider
JMS Connection Factory
JMS Destination
JMS Activation Specification
Relationship Between Messaging Components
JMS Messaging Configuration Questions
JMS Messaging Configuration Answers

16. Performance
What Affects Performance
Assumptions for Live Environments
WebSphere Queue Network
Upstream Queuing
Performance Tuning
System Settings for Tuning
Top Tuning Parameters
Performance Monitoring Service
Enabling Performance Monitoring
Performance Statistics
Performance Data Available
Performance Servlet
Tivoli Performance Viewer
Launching Tivoli Performance Viewer
Viewing Performance Data
Performance Data Options
Logging Performance Data
Summary Reports
Performance Advisors
Performance Questions
Performance Answers
Lab Summary
Common Lab Errors

17. Command Line Administration
Command Line Tools
Common Binary Commands
wsadmin Options
Benefits of wsadmin
Scripting Languages
JMX in WebSphere
Default Scripting Objects
Getting Help
Object ID
Saving Configuration
Object Names
AdminTask exportWasprofile
Common Scripting Patterns
Things to Remember
Scripting in AST
Script Configuration
Learning Jython with the Admin Console
Command Assistance Notifications
Command Line Administration Questions
Command Line Administration Answers
Lab Summary
Common Lab Errors  

18. Network Deployment Architecture
Workload Management (WLM) Basics
Role of Network Deployment Software
Similarities With Base Edition
Differences With Base Edition
Coexistence With Base Edition
Network Deployment Cell
Deployment Manager and Node Agents
Configuration File Synchronization
Synchronization Problems
Firewall Issues
WebSphere Profiles - Recap
Network Deployment Profiles
Profile Management Tool
manageprofiles command
Federating Nodes
Federating an Application Server Profile
Federating a Custom Profile
Prerequisites Before Adding Nodes
Steps Taken When Adding a Node
Removing Nodes
Admin Console Changes
Controlling Deployment Manager and Node Agents
Automatically Starting Servers
Network Deployment Architecture Questions
Network Deployment Architecture Answers
Lab Summary
Common Lab Errors
Lab Summary
Common Lab Errors
Lab Topology

19. Web Server Management and Cluster Topology

Web Server Management
Using IBM HTTP Server
IBM HTTP Server Architecture
Non-IHS Web Server
Managing Multiple Web Servers
Vertical Scaling
Horizontal Scaling
"Mixed" Scaling
Heterogeneous Scaling
Creating a Cluster
Cluster Member Options
Managing Clusters
Mapping Applications to Clusters
Cluster Topology Screen
Factors Affecting Topology
Coexistence Scenarios
Common Topologies
All in One
Vertical Scaling
Server Separation
"Mixed" Scaling
Web Server Horizontal Scaling
Web Server Management & Cluster Topology Questions
Web Server Management & Cluster Topology Answers
Lab Summary
Common Lab Errors
Lab Topology  

20. Workload Management and Application State
Types of WLM
Web Server WLM
Web Module WLM Architecture
Weighted Routing
State Management
Server Affinity
Weighted Routing with Server Affinity
Factors Overriding EJB WLM
Problems With Server Affinity
Server Affinity With Failover
Data Replication Service
Number of Replicas
Replication Security
Enabling Server Affinity Failover
Session Database
Session Tuning
Distributed Session Tuning
Workload Management & Application State Questions
Workload Management & Application State Answers
Lab Summary
Common Lab Errors

21. Course Summary
Course Objectives
WebSphere Certification
Other Courses