TMTMO – Time Management Training with Microsoft Outlook
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Trained over 60000 delegates

Course delivered by industry expert instructors

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Course Description
This Time Management training course is designed to help participants develop their skills in time management to achieve more effective results in less time.
This is a practical course that introduces proven techniques for mastering time. The approach will involve discussion to introduce the concepts of time management and practical exercises and syndicate work to develop personal skills.
Target Student
Time management training will help anyone who wants to increase work effectiveness and productivity, achieve greater control of their daily activities and overcome stress.
Delivery Method
Instructor-led, group-paced.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course, delegates will be able to:
- Analyse their time usage
- Identify ways to improve their time utilisation
- Review their job activities, responsibilities, and work priorities
- Work in a results-oriented way
- Analyse their time wastage and identify how to reduce
- Implement practical time management solutions
- Use Outlook email and Tasks together to plan their work
- Create a system for managing mail effectively
The course contains many practical exercises and will give delegates an understanding of time management techniques for realising personal and business objectives.
Course Outline
Understanding the importance of time
- Why is Time Management important?
- Where does your time go?
- Interruptions
- Procrastination
Improve time utilisation
- Delegate
- Planning
- Prioritising
- Set limits
- Saying ‘No’
Implementing Improvement
Email Management
- Prioritise, Categorise, Flag, Conditional Formatting
- Convert to/create tasks for future action
- Convert to appointments
- Use Folders and Search Folders
- Create Rules and Quick Steps to automate
- Use Search and Filter functions
Calendar management
- Using the scheduling assistant
- Inserting or hyperlinking files to a meeting request
- Creating a task to prepare for a meeting
- Scheduling recurring appointments
- Colour coding items on your calendar
- Sharing calendars
- Calendar groups
Task management
- Create tasks
- Set start and end dates
- Manage tasks
- Categorise/Prioritise your task: High or Normal priority
- Assign tasks
To Do App (O365)
- My Day
- Important and Planned
- Tasks and Lists
Viva Insights App (O365)
- Overview
Recap and next steps