JAVPBSD – Pattern-Based Software Development in Java – Hands-on Introduction to Patterns with Models and Code
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Course Description
- Be proficient in programming using the Java programming language
- Understand what does and does not go to make up a pattern
- Understand the beneficial role of patterns in all aspects of development
- Learn and use common patterns for object-oriented and large-scale design
- Appreciate patterns from the strategic level down to idiomatic examples in Java
Software Architecture
2. Core Pattern Concepts
3. Introductory Pattern Examples
4. Combining Patterns
5. Pattern Context Dependency
6. Patterns for Decoupling
7. Patterns for Adaptation
8. Patterns for Object Management
9. Patterns for Pluggability
10. Patterns for Iteration
11. Patterns for Object Lifecycles
12. Patterns for Notification
13. Pattern Pitfalls