HWITW – Health & Wellbeing in the Workplace
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Trained over 60000 delegates

Course delivered by industry expert instructors

Highly competitive pricing
Course Description
Promoting health and wellbeing in an organisation can help improve the workplace and benefit both the business and the employee. To make this most effective, not only leaders and managers but also each individual should have the opportunity to explore how best to create an environment that supports health and wellbeing.
In this half-day session, individuals will consider what a Health & Wellbeing strategy looks like, the part they play in looking after themselves, and supporting colleagues in the workplace.
This session is highly interactive and can be delivered virtually or face to face, using Meeting chat, whiteboard, breakout groups/rooms, polls, group discussions, and personal reflection time.
Conversations will also take into account the impact of the Covid 19 pandemic.
Other courses which support in more detail the topics covered in this half-day session include:
- Mental Health Awareness
- Building Resilience
- Stress Management
- Dealing With Conflict
- Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
Target Student
This course is beneficial for employees in any workplace.
This workshop will give delegates the opportunity to:
- Define Health and Wellbeing and what it means for them in the organisation
- Explore types of ill-health and the impact on individuals, teams, and the organisation
- Recognise the importance of building and supporting relationships in the workplace
- Consider what a “healthy lifestyle” means and the benefits of making sensible choices
- Agree on a team strategy to promote Health & Wellbeing
- Create a Personal Action Plan
Course content
The Current Situation
- What do we mean by Health & Wellbeing, and how is this supported currently?
- How do we see this demonstrated?
- What benefits do we see? What challenges our Health & Wellbeing?
- What areas could we as an organisation and individuals focus on?
Types of ill-health and their impact
- How do we define stress?
- What is the impact of stress?
- Current potential triggers of stress?
- Strategies to overcome stress
Mental Health problems:
- How do we define Mental Health?
- Common types of Mental Ill Health?
- The stigma of Mental Health challenges
Creating a supportive environment
- Physical Health problems
- Managing and supporting physical conditions, including burnout
- Raising awareness of organisational guidelines currently in place
Communication and Relationship Building
- How do we currently communicate?
- How can we encourage open conversations?
- The importance of building and maintaining a support network
- How to initiate and hold a sensitive conversation
Living a Healthy Lifestyle
What actions do we need to take to have a healthy lifestyle?
- Healthy eating
- Exercise
- Timekeeping
- Work/life balance
- Support group etc
What can we do as an organisation to encourage this lifestyle?
Creating an action plan
The group create a list of actions to:
- Promote Health & Wellbeing
- Prevent situations arising that can be avoided
- Deal with existing challenges
Personal Action Plan
- Personal realisations and actions as a result of attending the session