FS – Facilitation Skills
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Course delivered by industry expert instructors

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Course Description
The idea that helpers and educators are facilitators of learning and change has been around at least since the 1960s. Because groups are understood as the basic work unit of organisations – being used to plan and implement change, and to organise work, it follows that interventions facilitating effectiveness – and reducing conflict – are fundamental to the interests of organisations. This course is therefore suitable for managers and professionals who facilitate groups or teams to achieve specific goals, targets or projects.
Performance-Based Objectives
By the end of the course should be better able to:
- Define what facilitate and facilitation mean
- Identify the role, responsibilities, skills and qualities of an effective facilitator
- Plan a facilitation session
- Select appropriate facilitation methods and tools
- Practice a range of interpersonal skills to ensure the group is working towards its objective
- Recognise and deal with conflict and differences within a group
- Facilitate a group discussion
Course Content
- How to establish ground rules and expectations
- The role of a skilled facilitator.
- Skills and behaviour required of a facilitator
- Questioning techniques and listening skills.
- Facilitation methods and tools.
- Planning and structuring a facilitated session/ meeting
- Interventions and levels of intervention.
- Tools for effective group problem solving.
- Effecting decision making.
- Healthy and unhealthy conflict.
- The opportunity to practice facilitation skills.