EX16L1 – Excel 2016 Level 1

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  • Code: EX16L1
  • Duration: 1 Day
  • Price per delegate: £295.00 +VAT

Trained over 60000 delegates

Course delivered by industry expert instructors

Highly competitive pricing


Course Description

This Microsoft Excel Level 1 (or introduction) course covers all the basics you need to start entering your data and building organised workbooks.

Target Student

Delegates who are not familiar with Excel and would like to learn the basic functions of the package.


Before starting this course, delegates should be familiar with using a personal computer and should have experience using a keyboard and mouse. Students should be comfortable with the Windows environment and be able to use Windows to manage information on their computers. Specific tasks students should be able to perform include; launching and closing applications, navigating basic file structures, and managing files and folders.

Performance-Based Objectives

  • Explore the Excel Environment
  • Create a basic worksheet
  • Modify a workbook/worksheet
  • Use basic formulas and functions
  • Format an Excel worksheet
  • Manage worksheets and workbooks
  • Set up printing options

Course Content

Module 1: Getting Started with Excel 2016

  • Excel and the Excel Environment
  • Back Stage view and Themes
  • Navigate and Select in Worksheets
  • Create a Basic Workbook
  • Version History
  • Open, Save and Close Workbooks
  • Use Tell Me and Smart Lookup

Module 2: Modifying a Workbook

  • Cut, Copy and Paste Commands
  • Flash Fill
  • AutoFill Options and AutoComplete
  • Find and Replace
  • Spelling
  • Undo and Redo
  • Insert and Delete Options
  • Column Width and Row Height
  • Hide and Unhide Options

Module 3: Using Formulas and Functions

  • Create Relative Formulas
  • Mixed Cell References
  • AutoCalculate
  • Insert Functions
  • Use AutoSum
  • Copy Formulas
  • Create Absolute Formulas

Module 4: Formatting an Excel Worksheet

  • Font Group
  • Add Borders and Fill Colours
  • Cell Alignment
  • Number Formatting
  • Cell Styles and Galleries

Module 5: Managing Worksheets and Workbooks

  • Use Excel Quick Analysis Tools
  • Worksheets
  • View Worksheets and Workbooks

Module 6: Printing Options

  • Print Pane
  • Print Worksheets and Workbooks
  • Page Setup
  • Print Layout View