ETWWR – Web Writing
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Trained over 60000 delegates

Course delivered by industry expert instructors

Highly competitive pricing
Course Description
Communication tools such as e-mail, intranets and the internet are now at the forefront of corporate communication, whether for commercial enterprises, government or non-governmental organisations. The success of those communications tools depends very much on the writing style used. In this workshop, delegates will learn key techniques to ensure web words have the right impact on site visitors, hold visitor interest, and make them return again and again.
Good command of written English.
Delivery Method
Instructor led, group-paced, classroom-delivery learning model with structured hands-on activities.
Performance-Based Objectives
By the end of the day, delegates will have a clear understanding of what makes good Internet and intranet copy and will have improved their ability to create it.
Course Content
- Understanding the audience
- How style and design affects your choice of words
- Writing for specific target audiences
- Reach, richness and readership issues
- Search engines