ETSSEWRSK – Effective Writing Skills

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  • Duration: Days 1
  • Price per delegate: £425.00 +VAT

Trained over 60000 delegates

Course delivered by industry expert instructors

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Course Description

The aim of this programme is to develop your writing skills by ensuring that all communications are written to support your company's objectives

Target Student

Anyone who in the course of their work is required to communicate in writing with their customers.



Delivery Method

Instructor led, group paced.

Performance-Based Objectives

By the end of today, delegates will be able to:

  • Demonstrate the use of plain English
  • Interpret the content of a customers communication
  • Identify the process to compile a customer communication
  • Plan and structure a written communication to a customer
  • Proof read and provide constructive feedback to a colleague's written communication

Course Content

Welcome and introduction to the workshop

What impressions?

In examining various written extracts, we will decide the impression that they create and will also make the communication simpler to understand.

The customer said. The customer meant

Before putting pen to paper in this section we look at the various things do you need to do/consider before writing any communication?

Market, Message and Medium

The three M's are a way of focusing on three questions who, what and how? In this session we take an in-depth look at each of these aspects.

Plan a response

In this session we plan a response to a query that is given to participants we use the following questions to help to plan the response:

  • What exactly is the letter writer saying? Is the purpose to enquire or to complain? Or is it positive feedback?
  • What results do you want your letter to achieve?
  • What image of your organisation are you trying to convey?
  • Who is your reader? How will your letter help to satisfy his or her specific needs?
  • How can you organise your letter to get the results you want?

When you put pen to paper

What things do you need to do/consider when you are writing any communication?

This session focuses on different aspects of the English Language.

Keeping it plain and simple:

  • Elision
  • Passive sentences
  • Jargon

Proof reading

An exercise to round the day off that focuses on what should you look out for when proofing a colleagues written communication

Action Planning