ETRPTWRG – Report Writing
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Course Outline
Report writing is an essential document that is required in the workplace. Reports that follow different formats can be frustrating and reading reports can also be very time-consuming.
People reading your report don't usually have a lot of time. Very few, if any, will read every word of your report from start to finish. However, using a clear, standard format allows readers to find the information they need quickly and easily - and skip what they don't need. This workshop will provide you with a standard format and practical hints and tips that will ensure your reports are effective.
Target Student
Anyone who is required to write reports.
Course Objectives
By the end of this course you will be able to:
- Explain the purpose of reports.
- Develop a consistent and structured approach.
- Produce a professional and structured report.
- Identify the needs of the reader.
- Effectively use appropriate tone, grammar and punctuation.
Course Content
- What is a report and why do we need them?
- Purpose and types of reports
- Benefits of good report writing
- Why format is important?
- Structure and standard format for reports
- Developing the right tone for your report
- Writing styles and what to avoid
- Grammar and punctuation
- Report writing practice
- Proof read a colleagues work
- Action planning