BDJEEA – Building and Deploying Java EE Applications using JBoss, Hibernate/JPA, Struts/JSF, and Spring
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Course Description
- Delegates should be familiar with the Java Programming language as far as at least being comfortable with its basic use and with OO concepts.
- Understand the Java EE architectural paradigm, and appreciate how it can be used
- Develop and deploy Java Server Pages, Servlets and Java Beans within a web container
- Be able to implement the Jakarta Struts framework
- Use JNDI to locate distributed objects, including enterprise Java beans, and application server specific components
- Develop and deploy Persistence Units
- Develop and deploy Session Enterprise Java Beans
- Understand how the Spring framework fits into Java EE applications
- Appreciate the alternative persistence strategies, identifying the pros and cons of each
- Deploy a complete Java EE application within a Java EE compliant application server
Introduction to Java EE
2. Introduction to Java Servlets
3. Working with forms and session tracking
4. JavaServer Pages
5. JavaBeans and JavaServer Pages
6. Introducing the JSP Standard Tag Library
7. Introducing Jakarta Struts
8. Implementing Jakarta Struts
9. Introducing JavaServer Faces
10. Enterprise Java Bean Overview
11. Using Hibernate for Persistence
12. The Java Persistence API (JPA)
13. Persistence Units
14. Introduction to the Spring Framework
15. Enterprise Java Bean Overview
16. Session Beans in EJB3
17. The Entity Manager
18. JNDI
19. Session Beans
20. Web Applications and EJB
21. Java Messaging Service
22. Message Driven Beans