ADCPT8 – Adobe Captivate 8
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Course Description:
The Captivate Learning Environment
Captivate Workflow for Systems Training
Start Page
Main Editing Interface
Workspace Layout
Create a blank project
New project options dialog box
The Recording window
Settings button
Editing Slides
Slide Properties
Captivate 8 Responsive Design Workflow
The Mobile First eLearning Approach
Using Agile Development for Mobile Projects
What is Responsive Design?
Development Time Estimation for Mobile
Example: Responsive eLearning Design Review
Instructional Design Strategies for Mobile
The Desktop Down Screen Strategy
Creating a Responsive Project
Relative Position vs. Absolute Position
Open a Completed Captivate 8 Responsive Project
Previewing a Responsive Project
Working with text captions and pointers
Updating text captions
Text Caption Editing
Resizing and moving
Object Style Manager
Modify the Pointer
Pointer path
Working with the Timeline
Set stacking order
Working with objects
Using the Grid and the Align panel
Stacking and Merging Images
Adding Smart Shapes
Inserting animations
Text animation
Inserting Animations
Using FLV and F4V formatted video
Adding Slide video
The type of video that you want to insert
Changing a typing layer to an animation
Adding Widgets
Smart learning interactions
Recording software demonstrations with audio
Record audio Dialog box
Audio file importing and editing
Closed Captioning
Text to speech
Recording software simulations
Importing rollover caption and images
Rollover Caption
Rollover Image
Rollover Slidelets
Zoom Area
Editing click boxes
Importing PowerPoint slides
Inserting buttons
Adding text entry boxes
Using variables
Creating advanced actions
Inserting question slide
Slide pool and random slides
Inserting random slides
Setting reporting options
Updating projects
Recording additional slides into an existing project
Themes and Project Templates
Set up your project for review using
Sharing projects for review on an internal server
Learning Management System (LMS)
Quiz preferences
Manifest File
Manifest dialog box
Publishing to HTML5
Other Reporting and Publishing options
Reporting to
Interrogating the results via the Adobe Captivate Quiz Results Analyser
Reporting to an internal server
Spell Check
Skin Editor and Table of Contents
Start and End
Resize Projects
Roundtrip editing via Word
Publishing to YouTube
Aggregator projects
Create an ˜aggregator™ project
Publish the aggregator project