Appeals Policy & Procedure
Appeals Procedure
This document outlines the Candidates Appeals Procedure in the event that a formal review of candidate examination results is required.
Reasons for appeal include materials defects, personal circumstances or previously unknown medical circumstances.
Please note if an appeal is allowed the most favourable outcome is for EXAM BOARD who made the original decision to be required to review its decision. This does not necessarily mean that the original decision will be reversed or altered.
Can I appeal?
You can appeal your results if you believe:
• Your performance was adversely affected by illness or personal circumstances which were not known to you when you sat the examination.
• Your performance was adversely affected by administrative errors or material irregularity.
• EXAM BOARD or Elite Training has acted in a way which is manifestly unreasonable.
Please note:
Disagreement with the academic judgement of the EXAM BOARD in confirming marks, results for written examinations or oral examinations does not constitute grounds for appeal.
The Appeals Procedure cannot be used to raise complaints related to training supervision or services of an Accredited Training Provider. These must be raised at the time that they occurred and through the appropriate channels such as the trainer or Provider. In the event that candidates are not satisfied with the response from the Provider, then these can be escalated to the Quality & Contract Manager who will take the appropriate action
Candidates who have passed the relevant qualification cannot appeal their result.
When can I appeal?
You can only appeal when your results have been officially published. You must submit notice of an appeal within 20 working days of publication of the results from your particular examination.
How do I appeal?
You should complete the Appeals Form and email or post it to Elite Training no later than 20 working days from the date of the publication of the examination results.
Email –
Phone – 0141 222 2227
Post – Elite Training and Consultancy (Scotland) Ltd, 1 Blythswood Square, Glasgow G2 4AD
What Next?
The appeal is considered by Elite Training and EXAM BOARD who will decide if there is a case for appeal. If there is clearly no case for appeal the appeal will be rejected and Elite will advise you of the reasons behind the decision.
If there is a legitimate reason for the appeal then you will be notified within 20 working days of submission.
We will review all of the documentation relating to the claim including but not limited to the following:
The exam result
The candidate’s script and examination paper
The examination paper
Examiner’s or Moderator’s reports and any other papers related to the examination
Additional input from the examiner(s), moderator, invigilator or any other relevant party in response to the appeal
The results of the appeal will be recorded and the candidate notified in. The decision in either upholding or rejecting the appeal is final.
The frequently asked questions below will help you make your decision if you would like to appeal or not
1. I received my results today and they are not what I expected – how do I appeal?
2. I had some mitigating circumstances during my course/examination but was too embarrassed to tell anyone about them unless I had to do so I decided to wait and, if I was not happy with my results, put in an appeal.
3. I felt that the mark I received for one piece of work should have been higher as I worked really hard – which ground for appeal should I appeal under?
4. How long do I have to submit an appeal?
5. How long will it take for my appeal to be resolved?
I received my results today and they are not what I expected – how do I appeal?
You cannot appeal because you are not happy with your results; an appeal must have ‘grounds’. There are three grounds for appeal permitted:
You suffered personal mitigating circumstances and there was good reason why you did not tell us about them at the time they occurred.
There has been an error made by Elite Training or EXAMINING BODY.
EXAMINING BODY or Elite Training have acted in a way which is manifestly unreasonable.
I had some mitigating circumstances during the course / examination but was too embarrassed to tell anyone about them.
The ground for appeal which covers mitigating circumstances states that there must be ‘good and reasonable cause’ why you didn’t advise the relevant person (such as your trainer or invigilator) at the appropriate time. Being embarrassed is not a good and reasonable cause. You should be aware that the we will first look at the case for ‘good and reasonable cause’ and will not even consider the mitigating circumstances until they are satisfied that this has been met.
I felt that I should have scored a higher mark
Disagreeing with the academic judgement of the examiner does not constitute grounds for appeal. ‘Academic judgement’ means that the mark, the pass or fail decision, the grade etc. given by the person marking the piece of work.
If you are unhappy or disappointed with the mark you receive in your examinations, you may want to consider speaking to us so that you can be given feedback which may help you to understand any areas that can be improved.
How long do I have to submit an appeal?
You must submit notice of an appeal within 20 working days of publication of the results from your particular examination. Please make sure that you read the form carefully and provide all the information requested. It is your responsibility to make the case, and to make it clearly; we cannot make assumptions
– you must spell out the cause and effect.
How long will it take for my appeal to be resolved?
As each appeal is different there are no general guidelines as to how long an appeal will take to resolve, but you will be kept up to date at each stage of the appeal. We aim to investigate and resolve appeals as quickly as possible but no more than 20 days.