M55050 – SharePoint 2013 End User Level I
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Course Description
This 3-day Instructor Led course Explores all the basic end user features of SharePoint 2013 including all basic lists and sites (aka "Apps"). Learn to assign basic and advanced permissions. Explore the new project and community sites as well as how to work with the new social features of My Sites. Building and sending search queries is also covered.
Target Student
Business users and anyone that works with SharePoint sites on a regular basis.
- Basic understanding of web sites and SharePoint sites
Performance Based Objectives
After completing this course, students will be able to:
Understand and work with SharePoint Lists, List Management tasks, Permissions and basic SharePoint Foundation sites, My Sites, Newsfeeds and Search queries.
Course Content
Course OutlineModule 1: Overview
A simple introduction module.
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Understand your course, classroom, classmates, facility and instructor.
Module 2: SharePoint Introduction
In this module, we are going to answer the all important questions of What and Why should we be using SharePoint.
We are also going to look at several of the new and exciting features of SharePoint 2013!
What is SharePoint?
Why SharePoint?
What™s New in SharePoint 2013
Driving End User Adoption
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Describe the site topology components of SharePoint
Describe the new features and capabilities of SharePoint 2013 as compared to older versions
Describe what business problems SharePoint can address
Module 3: Collaboration Experience
In this module we take a look at the site creation process, common features of the basic team site, advanced features of a Team Site and the new features of SharePoint 2013.
We will also take a look at the new features introduced in SharePoint 2013 from a collaboration and UI perspective.
Site Structure
Basic SharePoint Features
New SharePoint Features
Lab : SharePoint 2013 UI
Explore 2013 UI Changes
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Describe the new UI features of SharePoint 2013
Understand how the Ribbon works
Understand how to use the new callouts feature
Module 4: Lists
In this module, we are going to take a look at lists from a end user standpoint, but also very quickly from a database standpoint as well. We will talk about all the basic SharePoint Lists and the new lists in SharePoint 2013 and what things have changed when working with any type of list.
List Views
SharePoint 2013 Features
Lab : Document Library
Create a Document Library
Create Documents and Folders
Explore Callouts
Uploading Documents
Explorer View
Lab : Form Library
Create a Form library
Create an InfoPath Form
Publish a Form
Lab : Wiki Pages
Create Wiki Page Library
Add Wiki Pages
Editing Wiki Pages
Lab : Picture Library
Create a Picture Library
Upload Pictures
Picture Views
Referencing Pictures
Lab : Report Library
Create a Report Library
Create a Report
Upload a Report
Run a Report
Report History
Lab : Data Connection Library
Create a Data Connection Library
Create/Upload an Office Data Connection (ODC)
Create/Upload an Universal Data Connection (UDC)
Lab : Asset Library
Create an Asset Library
Lab : Surveys
Create a Survey
Create Questions
Change question ordering
Branching Logic
Fill out the survey
Anonymous Surveys?
Lab : Custom Lists
Create a Custom List
Add One Of Each Column Type
Lab : General Lists
Create an Announcement List
Create a Contact List
Create a Discussion Board
Create a Links List
Create a Calendar
Create an Issue Tracking List
Lab : Promoted Links
Creating Promoted Links App
Using the Promoted Links App
Lab : Views
Creating Views (Standard, DataSheet, Access)
Adding/Ordering Columns
Sorting Data
Filtering Data
Grouping Data
Totaling Data
Setting Style
Item Limits
Enabling View
Datasheet Metadata Editing
Lab : Business Connectivity Services and External Content Types
Explore External Content Types
Create a new External Content Type
Create an External List
Setup and Configure Permissions for External List
Add items to an External List
Lab : GeoLocation Field
Adding a GeoLocation Field
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Understand when to use a List and when to use a Database
How to create and use the various lists in SharePoint
Adding list columns to tag your content with metadata
How to use and create Document Sets
Learn to create External Content Type Lists
Module 5: List Management
We explored the types of lists that come out of the box in the last module. In this module, we will explore how to manage those lists!
Basic List Management
Advanced List Management
Lab : List Management
RSS Feeds
Check out/Check In
Document/Item Properties
Site Columns
Content Types
Document Information Panel
Versioning/Version History
Content Approval
Lab : Advanced List Management
Multi-Document Actions
Turn On Document Sets
Column Level Validation
List Level Validation
Content Ratings
Audience Targeting
Metadata Navigation
Document ID Service
Generate file plan report
Record declaration settings
Lab : Email Enabled Lists
Email Enable A List
Send an Email to a List
Lab : Alerts
Create a List Alert
Create an Item Alert
Use Alerts
Manage Alerts
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Track and Manage Versioning
Use Check in and Check out
Enable List Item ranking via Likes and Rating Scales
Multi-Document Actions
Use ColumnList Level Validation
Use Content Ratings
Use Audience Targeting
Use Metadata Navigation
Use Manage Item Scheduling
Use Document ID Service
Use file plan reports
Use Record declaration settings
Module 6: Permissions
In this module we take a look at SharePoint permissions. We will learn about SharePoint groups, permission levels, permissions and explore the new Permission Finders.
SharePoint Permissions
Lab : SharePoint Permissions
Review Default Groups
Add Users to a Site
Requests for Access
Understand Security Trimmed Interface
Create New Groups
Create Custom Permission Level
Explore Site/List/Item Permission Inheritance
Permission Checker
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Describe where usernames and domain groups come from
How to create and manage SharePoint Groups
Implement access requests
What a permission level is
How to assign permissions to a user or group
How to break and re-enable inheritance
What is means to say permissions are cumulative
Understand that SharePoint has no deny
How to use the Permission Checker
How to use the Sharing feature
Module 7: Foundation Site Definitions
In this module we are going to review the SharePoint Foundation site definitions.
Creating Sites
SharePoint Foundation Sites
Lab : SharePoint Foundation Definitions
Create Sub Sites (Team Site)
Create/Use a Blog Site
Create/Use a Wiki Site
Delete a Site
Restore a Site
Lab : New SharePoint Sites
Create a Project Site
Create a Community Site
Work with Badges & Reputation
Enable Offensive Content Reporting
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Work with team, blog and wiki sites
Understand how to create a project and community site
Learn to work with a community site (reputation, content moderation, badges, etc)
Module 8: Office Integration
In this module we are going to take a look at how SharePoint and Office interact with each other and how they handle mobile devices.
Web Applications
Office Integration
Lab : Office Integration
Outlook Offline Document Libraries
Viewing Calendars
Syncing Tasks
Viewing Contacts
Excel Data Reporting
Access Data Reporting
SkyDrive Pro
Lab : Office Web Applications
Explore Office Web Applications
Create and Edit Word documents in Browser
Create and Edit PowerPoint document in Browser
Create and Edit OneNote document in Browser
Office Web Apps and Search
Multi-User Editing
Lab : Access Services
Explore Access Services
Lab : Visio Services
Explore Visio Services
Lab : Site Mailboxes
Exchange Setup
Creating Site Mailboxes
Lab : My Tasks
Understand Work Management Task Aggregation
Explore My Site™s My Tasks
Exchange Opt-In Task Sync
Lab : Site Notebook
Enable a Site Notebook
Work with the Site Notebook
Lab : Information Rights Management
Enable Information Rights Management on a Library
Test IRM
Lab : Machine Translation
Use Machine Translation in Office Web Apps
Use Machine Translation in Office Client
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Describe how SharePoint integrates with Office apps (Outlook, Excel, Access)
How to work offline with documents
How to describe and use Office Web Applications (In browser editing, multi-user editing)
How to describe and use Access and Visio Services
How to use Site Mailboxes and Site Notebooks
How to setup Information Rights Management (IRM)
Module 9: My SiteIn this module we will review the new Social Computing features in SharePoint 2013 and how My Sites has been completely redesigned to support social.Lessons
My Site
What Is Social Computing
Lab : My Site
Create Your My Site
Hashtags & Mentions
User Profile
Notification Settings
My Blog
My Tasks
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Describe what a My Site is
How to create and modify a My Site
How to work with My Site social networking features (Newsfeeds, Following, Hashtags and Mentions)
How to protect yourself in the Social Computing realm
Module 10: Search
In this module you will learn how to effectively query the Search Index to find items you are looking for.
Performing Queries
Lab : Performing Search Queries
Performing simple KQL Queries
Performing complex KQL Queries
Performing People Searches
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Perform effective Keyword Queries
Perform effective People Searches