M2524 – Developing XML Web Service Using Microsoft ASP.NET
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Prerequisites: Before attending this course, students must have:
- Familiarity with C# or Microsoft Visual Basic .NET.
- Programming in C++, Java, or Microsoft Visual Basic.
- An understanding of how to read and write XML documents.
- Experimented with simple C# applications.
- Developed distributed applications by using Visual Basic, Java, or C++.
- Explain how Web services solve problems encountered with traditional approaches to designing distributed applications.
- Describe the architecture of a Web services-based solution.
- Describe the underlying technologies of Web services and explain how to use the Microsoft .NET Framework to implement them.
- Implement a Web service consumer by using Visual Studio .NET.
- Implement a simple Web service by using Visual Studio .NET.
- Publish and deploy a Web service.
- Secure a Web service.
- Implement caching in a Web service.
- Evaluate the trade-offs and issues that are involved in designing a real-world Web service.
- Implement nonstandard Web services such as Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) screen scraping and aggregating Web services.
- Describing the evolution of distributed applications.
- Identifying the problems with traditional distributed application architectures and technologies.
- Describing Web services and briefly explaining how they address the design problems in traditional distributed applications.
- Listing the alternate options for distributed application development.
- Identifying the kinds of scenarios where Web services are an appropriate solution.
- Identifying how Web service architectures are a type of service-oriented architecture.
- Describing the elements of a Web service architecture and explaining their roles.
- Describing the Web service programming model.
- Describing the structures of an HTTP request and response.
- Issuing HTTP POST and GET requests and processing the responses by using the .NET Framework.
- Describing data types by using the XML Schema Definition language (XSD).
- Explaining how to control the way a .NET Framework object is serialized to XML.
- Describing the structures of a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) request and response.
- Issuing a SOAP request and processing the response by using the .NET Framework.
- Explaining the structure of a Web Service Description Language (WSDL) document.
- Explaining the Web services discovery process.
- Locating service contracts by using Disco.exe.
- Generating Web service proxies by using Wsdl.exe.
- Implementing a Web service consumer by using Visual Studio .NET.
- Invoking a Web service synchronously and asynchronously by using a Web service proxy.
- Creating a Web service project.
- Implementing Web service methods, exposing them, and controlling their behavior.
- Managing state in an ASP.NET-based Web service.
- Debugging Web services.
- Explaining the role of UDDI in Web services.
- Publishing a Web service in a UDDI registry by using the UDDI SDK.
- Searching a UDDI registry to locate Web services by using the UDDI SDK.
- Explaining the various options for publishing a Web service on an intranet.
- Explaining some of the options for modifying the default configuration of a Web service.
- Identifying the differences between authentication and authorization.
- Explaining how to use the security mechanisms that Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) and Windows provide for authentication.
- Using SOAP headers for authentication in a Web service.
- Using role-based security and code access security for authorization in a Web service.
- Encrypting the communication between a Web service consumer and a Web service.
- Identifying the restrictions that are imposed on data types by the various Web services protocols.
- Explaining how the use of Application and Session state can affect the performance and scaling of Web services.
- Explaining how to use output and data caching to improve Web service performance.
- Implementing caching in a Web service.
- Explaining how asynchronous Web service methods can improve performance.
- Explaining the need for instrumenting Web services.
- Identifying the components of a Web service that can be versioned.
- Explaining how to implement a virtual Web service by using screen scraping.
- Implementing a Web service that uses multiple Web services.
- Identifying the trade-offs in the techniques that are used for exposing aggregated Web services.
- Describe limitations inherent to the specifications with which today's Web services are built.
- Describe the design principles and specifications of Global XML Web services Architecture (GXA).
- Describe Web service application scenarios made possible by Web Services Routing Protocol (WS-Routing) and Web Services Referral Protocol (WS-Referral).
- Explain how to use Web Services Security Language (WS-Security) and Web Services License Language (WS-License) to perform authentication and authorization for Web services.
- Design Web services that anticipate and can leverage the features that GXA will offer when released.