M2415 – Programming with the Microsoft .NET Framework (Microsoft Visual Basic .NET)
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Prerequisites: Before attending this course, students must be proficient in the Microsoft Visual Basic programming language and have been exposed to the Visual Basic .NET language. Students can meet these prerequisites by taking Course 2559: Introduction to Visual Basic .NET programming.
Delivery Method: Instructor led, group-paced, classroom-delivery learning model with structured hands-on activities.
- List the major elements of the .NET Framework and explain how they fit into the .NET platform.
- Explain the main concepts behind the common language runtime and use the features of the .NET Framework to create a simple application.
- Create and use components in Microsoft Windows Forms-based and ASP.NET-based applications.
- Use the deployment and versioning features of the .NET runtime to deploy multiple versions of a component.
- Create, use, and extend types by understanding the common type system architecture.
- Create classes and interfaces that are functionally efficient and appropriate for given programming scenarios.
- Use the .NET Framework class library to efficiently create and manage strings, arrays, collections, and enumerators.
- Use delegates and events to make an event sender signal the occurrence of an action to an event receiver.
- Describe and control how memory and other resources are managed in the .NET Framework.
- Read from and write to data streams and files.
- Use the basic request/response model to send and receive data over the Internet.
- Serialize and deserialize an object graph.
- Create distributed applications using XML Web services and object remoting.
- Overview of the Microsoft .NET Framework
- Overview of Namespaces
- Describing the .NET Framework and its components.
- Explaining the relationship between the .NET Framework class library and namespaces.
- Writing a .NET Framework Application
- Compiling and Running a .NET Framework Application
- Creating simple console applications in Visual Basic .NET.
- Explaining how code is compiled and executed in a managed environment.
- Explaining the concept of garbage collection.
- An Introduction to Key .NET Framework Development Technologies
- Creating a Simple .NET Framework Component
- Creating a Simple Console Client
- Creating an ASP.NET Client
- Creating a simple .NET Framework component in Visual Basic.
- Implementing structured exception handling.
- Creating a simple .NET Framework console application that calls a component.
- Creating a .NET Framework client application by using the Windows Forms library.
- Creating an .ASP.NET page that uses the previously developed .NET Framework component to create an ASP.NET application.
- Introduction to Application Deployment
- Application Deployment Scenarios
- Related Topics and Tools
- Packaging and deploying simple and componentized applications.
- Creating strong-named assemblies.
- Installing and removing assemblies in the global assembly cache.
- Configuring applications to control binding based on assembly location and version data.
- Introduction to the Common Type System
- Elements of the Common Type System
- Object-Oriented Characteristics
- Describing the difference between value types and reference types.
- Explaining the purpose of each element in the type system, including values, objects, and interfaces.
- Explaining how the object-oriented programming concepts such as abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism, are implemented in the common type system.
- System.Object Class Functionality
- Specialized Constructors
- Type Operations
- Interfaces
- Managing External Types
- Applying attributes to control visibility and inheritance in classes and interfaces.
- Creating and using interfaces that define methods and properties.
- Explaining how boxing and unboxing work and when boxing and unboxing occur.
- Using operators to determine types at run time and to cast values to different types.
- Explaining what features are available to work with unmanaged types, such as COM types.
- Strings
- Collections Defined
- .NET Framework Arrays
- .NET Framework Collections
- Parsing, formatting, manipulating, and comparing strings.
- Using the classes in the System.Array and System.Collections namespaces.
- Improving the type safety and performance of collections by using specialized collections and class-specific code.
- Delegates
- Multicast Delegates
- Events
- When to Use Delegates, Events, and Interfaces
- Using the delegate class to create type-safe callback functions and event-handling methods.
- Using the Event keyword to simplify and improve the implementation of a class that raises events.
- Implementing events that conform to the .NET Framework guidelines.
- Memory Management Basics
- Non-Memory Resource Management
- Implicit Resource Management
- Explicit Resource Management
- Optimizing Garbage Collection
- Describing how garbage collection manages object memory.
- Implicitly managing non-memory resources by using a destructor's finalize code.
- Explicitly managing non-memory resources by using client-controlled deterministic release of resources.
- Writing code by using the temporary resource usage design pattern.
- Programmatically controlling the behavior of the garbage collection.
- Describing advanced garbage collection features.
- Streams
- Readers and Writers
- Basic File IO
- Using Stream objects to read and write bytes to backing stores, such as strings and files.
- Using BinaryReader and BinaryWrite objects to read and write primitive types as binary values.
- Using StreamReader and StreamWriter objects to read and write characters to a stream.
- Using StringReader and StringWriter objects to read and write characters to strings.
- Using Directory and DirectoryInfo objects to create, move, and enumerate through directories and subdirectories.
- Using the FileSystemWatcher objects to monitor and react to changes in the file system.
- Explaining the key features of the .NET Framework's isolated storage mechanism.
- Internet Application Scenarios
- The WebRequest and WebResponse Model
- Application Protocols
- Handling Errors
- Security
- Best Practices
- Using the basic request/response model to send and receive data over the Internet.
- Using the System.Net classes to communicate with other applications by using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP), and Socket Internet protocols.
- Serialization Scenarios
- Serialization Attributes
- Object Graph
- Serialization Process
- Serialization Example
- Deserialization Example
- Custom Serialization
- Custom Serialization Example
- Security Issues
- Writing an application that serializes an object graph by using either a binary or a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) XML format.
- Remoting
- Remoting Configuration Files
- XML Web Services
- Writing and configuring distributed applications that use .NET Remoting.
- Creating an XML Web service by using Visual Studio .NET and ASP.NET.
- Consuming an XML Web service by using the Web Services Description Language tool (Wsdl.exe).