M2124 – Programming with C# Microsoft Visual Studio
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Prerequisites: Before attending this course, students must have:
- Experience with programming in C, C++, Visual Basic, Java, or another programming language.
- Familiarity with the Microsoft .NET strategy as described on the Microsoft .NET Web site: http://www.microsoft.com/net/.
- http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/0900/Framework/Framework.asp
- http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/1000/Framework2/Framework2.asp
- List the major elements of the .NET Framework and explain how C# fits into the .NET Platform.
- Analyze the basic structure of a C# application and be able to document, debug, compile, and run a simple application.
- Create, name, and assign values to variables.
- Use common statements to implement flow control, looping, and exception handling.
- Create methods (functions and subroutines) that can return values and take parameters.
- Create, initialize, and use arrays.
- Explain the basic concepts and terminology of object-oriented programming.
- Use common objects and reference types.
- Create, initialize, and destroy objects in a C# application.
- Build new C# classes from existing classes.
- Create self-contained classes and frameworks in a C# application.
- Define operators, use delegates, and add event specifications.
- Implement properties and indexers.
- Use predefined and custom attributes.
- Introduction to the .NET Platform
- Overview of the .NET Framework
- Benefits of the .NET Framework
- The .NET Framework Components
- Languages in the .NET Framework
- Structure of a C# Program
- Basic Input/Output Operations
- Recommended Practices
- Compiling, Running, and Debugging
- Common Type System
- Naming Variables
- Using Built-In Data Types
- Creating User-Defined Data Types
- Converting Data Types
- Introduction to Statements
- Using Selection Statements
- Using Iteration Statements
- Using Jump Statements
- Handling Basic Exceptions
- Raising Exceptions
- Using Methods
- Using Parameters
- Using Overloaded Methods
- Overview of Arrays
- Creating Arrays
- Using Arrays
- Classes and Objects
- Using Encapsulation
- C# and Object Orientation
- Defining Object-Oriented Systems
- Using Reference-Type Variables
- Using Common Reference Types
- The Object Hierarchy
- Namespaces in the .NET Framework
- Data Conversions
- Using Constructors
- Initializing Data
- Objects and Memory
- Resource Managements
- Deriving Classes
- Implementing Methods
- Using Sealed Classes
- Using Interfaces
- Using Abstract Classes
- Using Internal Classes, Methods, and Data
- Using Aggregation
- Using Namespaces
- Using Modules and Assemblies
- Introduction to Operators
- Operator Overloading
- Creating and Using Delegates
- Defining and Using Events
- Using Properties
- Using Indexers
- Overview of Attributes
- Defining Custom Attributes
- Retrieving Attribute Values