ETP6PAD – Primavera P6 Professional Advanced
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Course Description
This course provides in-depth resource management and project management training in Primavera P6 Professional. Resource management topics include manual allocation, bucket planning, and levelling. Project management topics include earned value analysis, advanced scheduling, and timescaled logic diagrams.
Target Student
Project Manager, End Users, Business Analysts, Functional Implementer
Primavera P6 Professional Fundamentals
Delivery Method
Instructor led, group-paced, classroom-delivery learning model with structured hands-on activities.
Performance-Based Objectives
Learn to:
- Use bucket planning
- Use resource leveling
- Use earned value analysis
- Calculate percent complete
- Calculate multiple float paths
- Analyze resource usage
Course Content
Course Objectives
- Analyze resources and roles
- Use the assignments window
- Assign cost accounts
- Analyze resources
- Bucket planning level resources
- Use earned value
- Calculate percent complete
- Use advanced scheduling technqiues
- Use timescaled logic diagrams
Course Topics
- Using earned value analysis
- Managing multiple projects
- Analyzing resources and roles
- Manually allocating resources using bucket planning
- Leveling resources
- Adanced scheduling
- Timescaled logic diagrams