ETPSPO – Scrum Product Owner

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  • Code: ETPSPO
  • Duration: Days 2
  • Price per delegate: £950.00 +VAT

Trained over 60000 delegates

Course delivered by industry expert instructors

Highly competitive pricing

Course Description

The primary driver of a product and its desired outcome lies with the Product Owner who is tasked with detailing, prioritising and delivering the product to plan. This role determines the success or failure of an Agile project. This two day workshop explores the value of Agile, the changes necessary compared to that of a traditional Waterfall Project and outlines an Agile cycle from its introduction and features, to use of different models to constructively demonstrate the company's position relative to Scrum.

Target Student

This 2 day workshop is suitable for people undertaking the Product Owner role, including Product Managers, Business Analysts, Business Development, Sales and Marketing Managers.


This workshop is suitable for people who have a working experience of Agile or have taken the Agile & Scrum Awareness workshop.

Performance Based Objectives

Delegates will attain the knowledge required to pass the exam PSPO (Professional SCRUM Product Owner course).

Course Content

Through attending this workshop you will gain insights into:

  • The Agile Manifesto, principles and practices
  • Deming Cycle
  • The leading Agile methods, Scrum, XP, Lean
  • Agile Project Management with Scrum
  • The role of the Product Owner
  • Roles & responsibilities in self-organising teams

The workshop will also cover aspects of:

  • Ceremonies & Artefacts
  • Requirements & User Stories
  • Kano model, Boston Matrix, Product Lifecycle, Dynamic Priority Markets
  • Conway's Law
  • Estimating, planning & reporting

Interactive sessions and engaging discussions will also take place around:

  • How testing works in Agile projects
  • Communication, collaboration and culture
  • Risks and pitfalls
  • Product Owner Smells
  • Implementing & scaling Agile


  • Sole Supplier to the Scottish Government