ETCLREMP – Understand Your Current Legal Responsibilities when Employing People
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Trained over 60000 delegates

Course delivered by industry expert instructors

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Course Description
Are you satisfied that you are up to date with the requirements of employment law in relation to the employment of your staff. There were more than 100,000 Employment Tribunals in the UK last year. Are you satisfied that your procedures are sufficiently robust to prevent you adding to that statistic?
Delivery Method
Instructor led, group-paced, classroom-delivery learning model with structured hands-on activities.
Performance-Based Objectives
- Describe the required and recommended contents of your employees Written Statement of Employment Terms
- Deal with any disciplinary issues without putting your business at risk
- Deal with issues such as intermittent absence and long term sickness
- Handle disciplinary and other meetings with employees effectively
- Describe your obligations in relation to Anti-Discrimination laws
- Outline your duties in terms of current employment legislation including the Working Time Regulations, Parental Leave Regulations, Flexible Working, Maternity Rights, Paternity and Adoption and more
Course Content
- Legal pitfalls at the recruitment stage
- Now I have an Employee what do I do with him? - Contracts of Employment, Holidays, Maternity rights, email, mobile phones the Internet and more.
- Part time/casual/probationary staff/ fixed term contracts etc.
- What if...?
- my employee is ill - Long and short term absences
- my employee is guilty of misconduct/poor performance
- my employee has a grievance
- my employee applies for flexible working.
- How to deal effectively with disciplinary procedures
- How to handle meetings with employees - employee representation
- How to avoid unlawful discrimination or deal with it if it occurs.