ELWPT – Web Performance Testing
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Web Performance Testing (WPT)
Communication protocol models, the four-layer model
Packets, routers, the domain name system
HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
Client Internet access (fixed), wired local area networks, Ethernet
Wireless local area networks, client internet access (mobile)
ISP backbones
Firewalls, example firewall architectures, virtual private networks
Example architectures self hosting and data centre
Prerequisites to performance testing
The general process, when to start performance testing
Categories of performance tests
Single-shot/smoke testing
Load and scalability testing
Stress and hot spot testing
Spike and bounce testing, integrity testing
Defining and selecting test objectives
Response time requirements, user interface responsiveness
Defining the workload, think times, site arrival and abandonment, usage patterns
Client platforms, client internet access speeds fixed and mobile
ISP tiers, user geographic locations, background loads
Specifying the test environment, selecting the loads to run
Sampling errors, concurrency
Load generation options
Manual load testing
Home-grown load testing software, open source tools
Integrated development environments, Web-only load testing tools
Hosted load testing services, enterprise-class load testing solutions
Network considerations
Load generators, calibration of load generators
Measuring the load, white-box and black-box measurements
Full-blown and focused testing
Phased load testing
Component level stress tests, infrastructure load tests, architectural load tests
End to end load tests
Diagnosing performance problems, troubleshooting strategies
Improving performance
Example analysis data from load testing tools
Scalability testing objectives
Server scalability, Web server scalability
Application server scalability, database server scalability
Server farms and load balancing
Web site mirroring, Web site caching
Categories of tests
Low resource testing
Endurance testing
Volume testing, peak loading
Network quality of service
Web site failover testing, server failover testing
Parallel and serial dependencies