ADILCS5L1 – Adobe Illustrator CS5: Level 1
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Course Description
You will be able to use Adobe Illustrator CS5 to create illustrations that include graphics and text.
Target Student
This course is intended for designers, publishers, pre-press professionals, marketing communications professionals, or people switching to a design job or taking on design responsibilities and who need to use Illustrator to create illustrations, logos, advertisements, or other graphic documents.
Before taking this course, students should be familiar with the basic functions of their computer's operating system such as creating folders, launching programs, and working with windows. Students should also have basic Windows application skills, such as copying and pasting objects, formatting text, saving files, and so on.
Familiarity with basic design terminology, such as palettes, color modes, shapes, text, and paths is highly recommended.
Delivery Method:
Instructor led, group-paced, classroom-delivery learning model with structured hands-on activities.
Performance-Based Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
get acquainted with the Adobe Illustrator CS5 application.
create shapes in a document.
create custom paths.
work with text in an Illustrator document.
work with objects.
enhance documents.
proof documents to make them more accurate.
save images for web and print.
Course Content
Lesson 1: Getting Acquainted with Adobe® Illustrator® CS5
Topic 1A: Examine Imaging Concepts
Topic 1B: Explore the Interface
Topic 1C: Customize the Interface
Lesson 2: Creating Shapes in a Document
Topic 2A: Create a Document
Topic 2B: Draw Basic Shapes
Topic 2C: Save a Document
Lesson 3: Creating Custom Paths
Topic 3A: Draw Paths
Topic 3B: Modify Paths
Lesson 4: Working with Text
Topic 4A: Insert Text
Topic 4B: Flow Text on a Path
Topic 4C: Import Body Text
Topic 4D: Format Text with Styles
Topic 4E: Thread Text
Topic 4F: Apply Hyphenation
Topic 4G: Insert Typographic Characters
Lesson 5: Working with Objects
Topic 5A: Import Graphics
Topic 5B: Manipulate Objects
Lesson 6: Enhancing Documents
Topic 6A: Format Objects
Topic 6B: Apply Strokes
Topic 6C: Apply Gradients
Topic 6D: Apply Graphic Styles
Topic 6E: Apply an Envelope to Text
Lesson 7: Proofing a Document
Topic 7A: Wrap Text
Topic 7B: Find and Replace Text
Topic 7C: Fix Spelling Errors
Lesson 8: Saving Images for the Web and Print
Topic 8A: Export Images for Print
Topic 8B: Save Images for the Web
Topic 8C: Save Images as PDFs